If you buy goods from an online shop in China, the seller will do the shipping for you. Once, it's delivered to your country, it will be handed over to the post service of Comabodia and they will deliver it to you.
Hi There, I placed an order on 14/10/20 and I still have not received it. It keeps saying it’s moving from place to place in China and I contacted the sender and I got no reply I want to know is my parcel even gonna come
Hi there, my parcel has been in the same place since 15th of June, Daisy has asked for the tracking details which I have sent but still not heard anything. I have ordered other items from China that have arrived. Can you please let me know what is happening. If my order is lost can China post replace the item and send me compensation for the delay
If you buy goods from an online shop in China, the seller will do the shipping for you. Once, it's delivered to your country, it will be handed over to the post service of Comabodia and they will deliver it to you.