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Returning to Sender?


I have two parcel that have been in Guanzhou Customs for over a month.

Will they be sent to the recipient or will they get returned to me?

Thank you.

2 Answer(s)

Hi Andre,

They should be waiting for the receiver in China to declare to the customs now. You'd better contact the receiver in China to ask if he has received the notice from the customs. If no, let them check through authorized tax collection system ( to check or call China customs service number 12360 to check.

I have contacted the recipient and she has replied with this:

I haven't received any notes from postal before what I told you and now the time is over so postal said custom can't to give me any custom notes to clean the parcels.
So now you can reply the email said:receiver has been information from postal said the serves time is over.then custom can't send any clearance docs to postal said the parcels has been in returning period.
after waiting the email later again.

What are our next steps?


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