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Is Boxhou near a village named Ngau Tong


Im trying to locate my fathers village. Kwan Chun Wah born august 16 1894
My daughter and i are touring China in March 2018. Would be a dream come true if we can locate this village or the now area as i imagine yhere would be name change

19 Answer(s)

Hi Ceceproud ,

I think Ngau Tong means 牛塘 in Chinese. It's a town in Nancheng District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province.
I believe my Dads village is in Kaiping,he often talks of Hoisan when he spoke of his birthplace. NGAU TONG Lei is written on his and my Mums marriage certificate. My parents were married in Papua New Guinea in 1933. I googled Bozhou distance between kaiping/bozhou. I believe the village us much closer to Kaiping. Can you check again please. Thank you
If it's in Kaiping, the Ngau Tong village is:

广东省江门市开平市赤坎镇石溪管区牛塘村 (Niutang Village, Shi Xi Guan Qu, Chi Kan Town, Kai Ping, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Provicne)
Thankyou. My father born 1894 was eldest of 5. My grandfather died when Dad was 7. He had to cut firewood to assist the livelyhood of the family. Would that be a likely scenario for this family of Kwans in the Nuitang village. Shi Xi. I am so excited. Would there be a concerntration of Kwans in that Village. The Poons and the Changs possibly as well. Can't wait for your response.
I am having trouble locating Niutang Village. I understand it may no longer exist but would love to visit the area. Is there anyway you could give me directions to the area. My father was unable to return to his birthplace unfortunately. I would dearly like to do it for him
We will have a car. The driver would be able to follow instructions to where we need to go. We are overwhelmed with the prospect of visiting my Dads birthplace. I look very much forward to your response, praying that its a positive one.

It's hard to tell you how to go there without a map. You'd better go to Chikan Ancient Town 赤坎古镇 first and then find someone to tell you how to you there.
Thanks again. Can you tell me if the Niutang Village is still there.
Yes, it's still there.
I cannot thank you enough. Will certainly recommend your website to friends. I you the result of our trip to Niutang Village.
Thank you.

Wish you have a smooth and nice trip.
Just one more question . In the Niutang Village, Chikan Ancient Town. The KWAN family/families, do they live in a concerntrate area and if so is it possible for you to let me know how we can locate and visit the area. Even though we will have a car and driver, it would be great if we can go straight to the area as we are rather limited in the time we can spend in Chikan Town. I thank you in advance and looking forward to hearing from you. We leave here in Brisbane, Australia on March 1st Thursday, we expect to be in the Kaiping City March 4, spending 2 nights in Guangzhou , driving from Guangzhou to Chikan Town on Sunday March 4th just for the day.
Hi Ceceproud,

It takes about two hours from Chikan Ancient Town to Niutang Village if you drive. You need to take Xintai Expressway and Western coastal high speed to there.
We wil be travelling from Guangzhou , is there a more direct way to get to Niutang Village without going through Kaiping and Chikan Ancient City. I am trying to find shortest route as I can see we have a full day of travelling..any shortcut will be a big help. Thank you.

You can go to Niutang Village directly from Guangzhou. It takes about two and a half hours by expressway. You can tell the driver use navigation to go there.
Wow..thank you so much. It seems we will be able to fit in a visit to Chikan Ancient City as well as Kaiping City before we head back to Guangzhou. Unfortunately we train out to Guilin from Guangzhou tge next day. I really appreciate your help. Should you ever come to Australia n Queensland,pls contact us as we may be able to return the favour. Warmest regards. Cecilia
Hi Daisy
I'm very excited but still full of questions. I am still unable to locate Nitang Vilage, is it the same as Niutang Town in Wujin. What is the nearest main town to Nuitang. I was able to see a Nuitang commercial company that manufactures sucrose products. Is it possible for you to give the map area of and around Nuitang Village. I anticipate your response impatiently. Ceciliat
Can you tell me if it's possible for us to drive from Quangzhou to Nuitang Villege then to Chikan Ancient City then Kaiping city , do some sightseeing and be back to Quangzhou by 5pm. thanks Daisy.
Regards Cecilia
Is there a problem as i have not received a response from you. Time is running out. We leave for China. Thursday, March 01. We are flying to Guangzhou on Saturday March 03. Regardless of your response, we have a car n driver booked to take us. to Kaiping and Chikan. I hope sincerely we can locate my Dads birth place village beforehand to fulfill a lifelong dream come true. Regards Cecilia
Sorry for the late reply.

You can search 'Niutangli, Kaiping, Jiangmen, Guangdong, China' in Google map and find the place. Here is the route from Guangzhou to Niutang in Google Map.

You can go there from Guangzhou directly then to Chikan Ancient City then Kaiping city, do some sightseeing and be back to Guangzhou. But the time is limit. I'm afraid you need two days to finish these three places.

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