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LX591869092CN cannot be found


Kindly advise if the tracking number above as supplied by the seller is correct.

I received approximately a week ago but each time I search I receive the message that the tracking number is not found.

Please advise urgently. If the delivery tracking number is fraudulent I will start the process of cancelling and referring the seller to authorities.

1 Answer(s)

Hi Craig Stemp,

Many sellers usually give the buyer a tracking number first but hasn't sent it in real. They usually wait for more orders and send together in order to save money on express. Your seller gave you the tracking number a week ago but didn't send it. He just sent it on Nov. 20. Here is the latest tracking information available:

2017-11-20 11:30 Wuhan, International department Courier has received

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LX591869092CN cannot be found (1 reply)

Kindly advise if the tracking number above as supplied by the seller is correct.

I received approximately a week ago but each time I search I receive the message that the tracking number is not found.

Please advise urgently. If the delivery tracking number is fraudulent I will start the process of cancelling and referring the seller to authorities.

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I have 3 tracking number can't be found.pls kindly assit to check what is the problem .if Singapore have warehouse pls provide address.

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