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My package has been stuck for over a month with no updates.


(Tracking ID: RV373896913CN)
My tracking hasn’t updated for a month (Tracking ID: RV373896913CN)- it’s stuck at “Dongguan City - Has been exported directly” and hasn’t moved at all. Could you help me by tracking my package and clarifying when I could expect to receive it?

It also says EDI-Received but no movement for over a month. Is it still in China?

(Tracking ID: RV373896913CN)

1 Answer(s)

Hi alimurtaza780,

It has left China and is in transit to Pakistan now. You can not know the exact situation when it's in the middle locations. It usually takes about 30-60 days (after it left China) to have update showing it arrives. Please wait for more days to get update.

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