China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183



Daisy i am very confused ..
i ask for the cases RV514479829CN, RV518919282CN and RV522482277CN.

On the first two... on the 7th it change -after almost a month- of status to K4 Received by the carrier

2020-12-09 14:05:46 K4 Received by the carrier
2020-12-09 15:57:24 Zhengzhou Handed over to Forwarding Agent for Transit
2020-12-09 15:57:56 Zhengzhou Handed over to Forwarding Agent for Transit
2021-01-07 13:47:02 K4 Received by the carrier


2020-12-09 14:15:20 K4 Received by the carrier
2020-12-09 15:57:24 Zhengzhou Handed over to Forwarding Agent for Transit
2020-12-09 15:57:56 Zhengzhou Handed over to Forwarding Agent for Transit
2021-01-07 13:37:06 K4 Received by the carrier

But on the 8th it show Flight Departure,... what does this means?? is normal? as long as i know they left china the 9 and 10 of dic but know i am confused.

And to you have any new about the RV522482277CN .. they have left china

4 Answer(s)

Hi Erick,

RV514479829CN, RV518919282CN, RV522482277CN are still in China waiting for the flight now. Packages sent to Peru are delayed. You need to wait for more days to get update. If you couldn't receive them in time, you need to contact the seller to reflect the problem and get a solution. `
Now i am more confused.. cause on the causes of RV514479829CN and RV518919282CN it say Flight Arrival.... the RV522482277CN is still the same as the other to 4 days ago.
Hi erick,

RV514479829CN and RV518919282CN are moving and in the middle location now.
Thanks Daisy.

As long i can see

1 RV518919282CN PE 2021-01-10 19:43:49 Flight Arrival
2 RV522482277CN PE 2021-01-13 09:08:01 Flight Departure
3 RV514479829CN PE 2021-01-10 19:43:49 Flight Arrival

so we are on good way?... 2 of them have arrive on Perú? and the other one is on its wat

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