Number: LY866067631CN Package status: In transit Country: China -> United States 2021-09-29 19:34 Inbound Out of Customs -> Your item cleared United States Customs at 7:34 pm on September 29, 2021. 2021-09-13 15:51 Origin Post is Preparing Shipment 2021-09-13 15:51 CHINA, GUANGZHOU EMS, Processed Through Facility 2021-09-08 04:40 Origin Post is Preparing Shipment 2021-09-08 04:40 CHINA, GUANGZHOU EMS, Processed Through Facility 2021-08-31 04:15 Origin Post is Preparing Shipment 2021-08-31 04:15 CHINA, GUANGZHOU EMS, Processed Through Facility 2021-08-30 18:27 CHINA, GUANGZHOU, Processed Through Facility 2021-08-30 16:10 CHINA, Acceptance
LY926469949CN I just got an update today that said “U.S., Foreign Imports Cancelled” after it said four days ago that the plane landed. Will I still be getting my package?
Tracking number LV549654364CN item China to Western Australia. Aparantly despatched from China approx 28/7/22 and received in sydney aust 19/8/22. On 29/8/22 note on tracking reads "foreign imports cancelled". What does this mean?
You will get it. It has been passed the customs.
Number: LY866067631CN
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> United States
2021-09-29 19:34 Inbound Out of Customs -> Your item cleared United States Customs at 7:34 pm on September 29, 2021.
2021-09-13 15:51 Origin Post is Preparing Shipment
2021-09-13 15:51 CHINA, GUANGZHOU EMS, Processed Through Facility
2021-09-08 04:40 Origin Post is Preparing Shipment
2021-09-08 04:40 CHINA, GUANGZHOU EMS, Processed Through Facility
2021-08-31 04:15 Origin Post is Preparing Shipment
2021-08-31 04:15 CHINA, GUANGZHOU EMS, Processed Through Facility
2021-08-30 18:27 CHINA, GUANGZHOU, Processed Through Facility
2021-08-30 16:10 CHINA, Acceptance