It's sent by using China Post Ordinary Packet Plus which is a cheap service of China Post. China Post doesn't provide tracking service for it after it arrives in UK. So, you can't get more update after June 14. It usually takes about 60-90 days to be delivered. If you couldn't get it in time, you need to contact the seller to give you a solution.
I have 2 packages arrived in Germany and 1 package arrived 1 week ago and had no update since so I wanted to ask that where is the package now? 1. CNCAI2020101406838407 2. CNCAI2020101406863152
My parcel UY145061784CZ has arrived in New Zealand for about a month and I have yet to receive it. I contacted the customs here and they said that the package has not arrived to customs yet, so I contacted the post centre and they said that the package has not arrived. When will my parcel get to me? I have been waiting for a month since it arrived
It's sent by using China Post Ordinary Packet Plus which is a cheap service of China Post. China Post doesn't provide tracking service for it after it arrives in UK. So, you can't get more update after June 14. It usually takes about 60-90 days to be delivered. If you couldn't get it in time, you need to contact the seller to give you a solution.