EX219307840SG was cancelled. You'd better contact the seller to ask why and give you a solution. PR093678300YP is in transit in China now. It could be sent to Turkey but takes about 30-60 days to be delivered in normal due to the coronavirus.
Number: EX219307840SG Package status: In transit Country: China -> Turkey 2020-06-17 09:46, Shipment cancelled
Number: PR093678300YP Package status: In transit Country: China -> Turkey 2020-06-16 16:13, Process completed in Yanwen Facility 2020-06-16 13:29, Picked up
When I check the tracking for UD514718532YP, it tells me that it has arrived in Turkey. But I don’t live in Turkey. Can you please explain what is going on? This is the second time the seller has shipped the package after it was returned to them by Chinese customs. Thank you!
I like your great job and want to start a business from Turkey to worldwide and asking if i can get a quotation and offer from you to ship from Turkey to other 32 countries.
EX219307840SG was cancelled. You'd better contact the seller to ask why and give you a solution. PR093678300YP is in transit in China now. It could be sent to Turkey but takes about 30-60 days to be delivered in normal due to the coronavirus.
Number: EX219307840SG
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> Turkey
2020-06-17 09:46, Shipment cancelled
Number: PR093678300YP
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> Turkey
2020-06-16 16:13, Process completed in Yanwen Facility
2020-06-16 13:29, Picked up