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What happened to my pack?


Good afternoon, I shipped a pack to my gf in Beijing the 23rd December 2020 and it's still not arrived after two months (today is the 22th of February 2021). Checking the pack-track code I can see that is blocked at the custom since the 4th of January, what happened? If the package is damage or you can't read the address I can write it back in case is needed.
the code of the pack is CP068222782IT
Thanks in advance
have a nice day

1 Answer(s)

Hi leonardo santetti,

You'd better let your gf in Beijing check her phone message to see it there is any notice from the customs. If no, contact the customs service number 12360 to check it.

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What happened to my pack? (1 reply)

Good afternoon, I shipped a pack to my gf in Beijing the 23rd December 2020 and it's still not arrived after two months (today is the 22th of February 2021). Checking the pack-track code I can see that is blocked at the custom since the 4th of January, what happened? If the package is damage or you can't read the address I can write it back in case is needed.
the code of the pack is CP068222782IT
Thanks in advance
have a nice day

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I think that you have, in your warehouse, a my pack.
Its more of two months thati ordered this product and this pack is in your werehouse yet.
My name is Nello Santilli and the pack must be sent to italy
Thats the code of the shipment;
I hope i will receive my pack.
Thank you.

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