China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183

Arrived at destination country with no more future updates.


I have 2 packages arrived in Germany and 1 package arrived 1 week ago and had no update since so I wanted to ask that where is the package now?
1. CNCAI2020101406838407
2. CNCAI2020101406863152

4 Answer(s)

Hi Max,
CNCAI2020101406863152 was delivered on Nov. 10. You should have got it. CNCAI2020101406838407 is processed in Germany now. You'd better wait for more days to receive it.

Number: CNCAI2020101406863152
Package status: Delivered (19 Days)
Country: China -> Germany
2020-11-10 11:03, 729033818100, Germany, Successfully delivered
2020-11-09 12:06, FRANKFURT/M, Germany, Arrived at facility
2020-11-04 18:50, Germany, Flight landed at Destination country
2020-11-04 05:14, SHENZHEN, China, Departed on outbound flight
2020-11-02 14:35, SHENZHEN, China, Shipment Uplift Success
2020-10-25 18:06, Shenzhen, China, Departed from facility
2020-10-22 12:00, Shenzhen, China, Processed at facility
2020-10-22 00:32, China, Shipment data received
2020-10-21 11:49, Shenzhen, China, Arrived at origin facility
2020-10-21 11:48, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, China, DATA SUBMITTED

Number: CNCAI2020101406838407
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> Germany
2020-11-01 19:58, Germany, Flight landed at Destination country
2020-11-01 06:15, Pudong, China, Departed on outbound flight
2020-10-31 11:00, SHANGHAI, China, Shipment Uplift Success
2020-10-18 21:40, Shanghai, China, Departed from facility
2020-10-18 15:23, Shanghai, China, Processed at facility
2020-10-18 13:29, Shanghai, China, Arrived at origin facility
2020-10-17 15:19, China, Shipment data received
2020-10-17 06:08, Hangzhou, China, DATA SUBMITTED
1 week no update after arrived at destination county LP00471987739057
My order shows it arrived at destination country airport on 12/29/21 but has not updated since can you help me find out the status of my package from china please sunyou tracking number is SYUS006158374
LS988663338NL most things I order is really quick to arrive but this was ordered in November and now it is January. I still haven't received my order yet. Is this the right location to ask?

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1. CNCAI2020101406838407
2. CNCAI2020101406863152

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