China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183

I think my package is stuck in china


I sent a package to Indonesia, on January 17th, 2017. From china post in wuzhong, yuexi branch, but it's been 3 months but i still havent receive my package, please help me to find my package inside is very important for me

7 Answer(s)


What's the tracking number for your package.
that's the problem, because i lost the tracking paper, together with my friends, but her package is safely arrived last month, not with me.
Is it possible that the china post still have the document or the recapt number?
I still remember I sent the package from Suzhou City, on January 17th, 2017
The China post is the one in Wuzhong District

Please, I felt so frustrated because my school document is inside it, and also my school uniform

You'd better call +86 10 11185 to contact China Post to ask for the tracking number and let them track it for you. You need to provide your personal information for them to check.
Could you speak Chinese? If you couldn't, press 8 after dial the number to get English service.

They could help you check the tracking number according to the sender's name, phone number or address.
Is it indeed that I can get my tracking number by calling that number? Because I'm a foreigner and now I already back to my country.
If someone there can speak english, it's okay for me to call them
Yes, you could get your tracking number by calling China Post service number. But I'm not sure if the English service works. Some people said press 8 is still Chinese service. You'd better find a Chinese friend to call for you.
One of my friends told me that the track number begins with LN, what does that mean? i''ve tried to call the china post number, and it's all in chinese, but i want to make sure, that they didnt lost my package right? Because i'm afraid my package is lost somewhere, please help me, i'm very frustrated about this, is okay for me, if someone ask for money, if they can help me to find my tracking number

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