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LL112236151CN Status


What is the status of the shipment LL112236151CN?. More than two weeks it did not updated. What is the problem of the shipment?. When can I get it ?. When it was shipped, the shipper told I can get it 10 to 15 days. Now 32 day were gone. But till now I didn’t get. Where is the shipment?. I really disappointed regarding this.

2 Answer(s)

Hi Azarutheen,

It was planed to leave China on April 5 but may meet some problem and left China on April 23. It may takes about another 10 days for you to get it. If you couldn't get it in time, better open a dispute or contact the seller to give you a solution.

2019-04-23 22:04
Departure from Shanghai to Riyadh (via turn)

2019-04-05 23:12
Departure from Shanghai to Riyadh (via turn)

2019-04-04 10:12
Arrive at China Post Group Shanghai Postal District Central Bureau Mail Processing Center processing center (via transfer)

2019-04-04 02:03
Leaving Wenzhou to Shanghai

2019-04-03 23:37
Has left Wenzhou international Mail Exchange Bureau, sent to Wenzhou mail processing center

2019-04-02 18:21
Arrive at Leqing Post Office Mail Processing Centre processing centre

2019-04-02 16:46
Wenzhou Leqing Branch Changhong Sales department has received
Hello. Could you, please, help me? I would like to know about my parcel - tracking number is RP629992825CN
Maybe you can tell me, where is my parcel now? And why this parcel after leaving Wenzhou International Mail on 2019-07-05 still is on the way to the Post Wenzhou City Mail Processing Center (via transfer)?
I would be very grateful to get any information.

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LL112236151CN Status (2 replies)

What is the status of the shipment LL112236151CN?. More than two weeks it did not updated. What is the problem of the shipment?. When can I get it ?. When it was shipped, the shipper told I can get it 10 to 15 days. Now 32 day were gone. But till now I didn’t get. Where is the shipment?. I really disappointed regarding this.

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I made request on 2/4/2019 to Saudi Arabia. Till now I didn’t get the shipment. What is the problem?. Why it is delayed ?. Tell the reason for that. This creates problem to me. What is the status of shipment ? . I need proper response. Update correct status of the shipment. When can I get ?. I really disappointed for this shipment. From 5 April 2019 to till date the same status of shipment.

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Latest tracking status 10/18 si "Already handed over to airlines for transportation", but the same status I saw on 10/10. Please let me know what is exact status.....Destination country is India

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