It's in Germany now. DHL Paket will deliver it to you recently.
Number: LV591125695CN Package status: In transit Country: China -> Germany 2022-10-07 15:30 Rodgau, Germany, The shipment has been processed in the parcel center of origin 2022-10-05 20:39 IPZ Frankfurt 2022-10-05 10:55 IPZ Frankfurt, The shipment has arrived in the destination country/destination area 2022-09-25 01:04 China VR, The shipment will be transported to the destination country/destination area and, from there, handed over to the delivery organization. 2022-09-24 23:36 China VR, The shipment has arrived at the export parcel center 2022-09-24 16:34 China VR, The shipment has arrived at the parcel center of origin
Hi my parcel is stuck on plane has landed but wondering if this means landed in UK or somewhere else? Can anyone assist me with this please? My tracking is LZ016167184CN
It's in Germany now. DHL Paket will deliver it to you recently.
Number: LV591125695CN
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> Germany
2022-10-07 15:30 Rodgau, Germany, The shipment has been processed in the parcel center of origin
2022-10-05 20:39 IPZ Frankfurt
2022-10-05 10:55 IPZ Frankfurt, The shipment has arrived in the destination country/destination area
2022-09-25 01:04 China VR, The shipment will be transported to the destination country/destination area and, from there, handed over to the delivery organization.
2022-09-24 23:36 China VR, The shipment has arrived at the export parcel center
2022-09-24 16:34 China VR, The shipment has arrived at the parcel center of origin