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Why is my package stuck?


I received information that my package didn't pass the "checks, twice" and is now stuck at the Shenyang International Exchange Station. What are the "checks" and how does is it get processed to pass these checks? What happens next? Thanks for your help in understanding what is going on.

11 Answer(s)

Hi Bruce,

Please provide the tracking number in order to check it for you.
Hi Daisy,
I am responding to your request for my tracking number LY225749585CN. In a previous response, you stated that my package didn't pass the "checks" twice and was stuck at the Shenyang International Exchange Station. What are the checks that it didn't pass and how does it get processed to pass these checks? What happens next? Thanks for all of your assistance.
Hi Daisy,
I am responding to your request for my tracking number LY225749585CN. In a previous response, you stated that my package didn't pass the "checks" twice and was stuck at the Shenyang International Exchange Station. What are the checks that it didn't pass and how does it get processed to pass these checks? What happens next? Thanks for all of your assistance.
Hi Bruce,

What's in the package?
Hi Daisy,
I really appreciate you prompt replies to my questions, Regarding my package, tracking number LY225749585CN, the content is a Virtual Reality Game Headset. Look forward to your assistance.
Hi Bruce,

Magnetic items such as headphone, earphone, speaker, amplifier, scanner etc. are fobidden items for China Post. This is why it couldn't pass the check for two times and is still stuck in Shenyang now. You'd better contact the seller to give you a solution in time.
Hi Daisy,
Again thanks for your prompt response. This problem has become more complex. The item in question was fully paid for. However, since that time, I can no longer contact the seller. Even my credit card company has attempted to do so. Is there any way that the shipment could be arranged through some other method? I certainly would be willing to assume the cost. Thanks for your help.
Hi Daisy,
Again thank you for your responses to my questions. As previously stated, I cannot contact the seller. Is there any way this package can be qualified for shipping? Or, do I have to assume that it is lost to me? Thanks for your help.
Hi Bruce,

It's not lost. It's still stuck in Shenyang now. The seller may sent it through a way that could pass the check for Virtual Reality Game Headset. You'd better wait for more days to see if it has hope to pass the check and leave China later.
Dear Daisy, On 6/14/2020 you responded to my inquiry advising me that my package was still stuck in Shenyang and to wait more days to see if it might pass the check. It has now been 16 days with no change in status or new information. Could you please advise me regarding this situation? The tracking number is LY225749585CN. Your previous responses have been greatly appreciated.
Hi Bruce,

To my experience, there should be update showing it arrives around July 10. You'd better wait for more days to see.

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