Parcel blocked in Shenzhen post office
Asked by [email protected] |
Hi. My parcel is blocked in Shenzhen post office since 04 July 2018. Is more than one month! Can you help me please? Tracking number is CO982057255RO. Thank you
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6 Answer(s)

It's stuck in Shenzhen processing center now. You need to call China Post service number 11183 (then 8 for English service) to ask how to get it.

Daisy 8/23/2018 2:06:19 AM
It's stuck in Shenzhen processing center now. You need to call China Post service number 11183 (then 8 for English service) to ask how to get it."
Give me pls the entire phone number, with country prefix. Thx
It's stuck in Shenzhen processing center now. You need to call China Post service number 11183 (then 8 for English service) to ask how to get it."
Give me pls the entire phone number, with country prefix. Thx

Hello. How can be unblocked the parcel? What is wrong? I cannot call from my country because call taxes are huge. In case something is nok for you, please return the parcel, but not keep it blocked. Tracking number is CO982057255RO. I need your help for my issue!!!