China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183

why is my package returned and stuck in china for a month?


Origin Post is Preparing Shipment -> We have received notice that the originating post is preparing to dispatch this mail piece.

2021-09-21 14:54
CHINA, SHANGHAI EMS, Processed Through Facility

2021-08-31 13:28
Origin Post is Preparing Shipment

2021-08-31 13:28
CHINA, SHANGHAI EMS, Processed Through Facility

2021-08-31 12:35
CHINA, SHANGHAI, Processed Through Facility

2021-08-30 14:54
CHINA, Acceptance

Origin - Tracking consuming: 104 ms
2021-09-21 23:30
上海市, 离开【上海国际邮件处理中心】,下一站【上海国际邮件交换站】

2021-09-21 14:54
上海市, 【上海国际邮件处理中心】已出口直封

2021-09-21 14:54
上海市, 【上海国际邮件处理中心】退回,备注:安检退回

2021-09-05 18:24
上海市, 已交承运商运输

2021-08-31 13:28
上海市, 【上海国际邮件处理中心】已出口直封

2021-08-30 20:34
上海市, 到达【上海国际邮件处理中心】

2021-08-30 19:16
上海市, 离开【松江区大宗处理点】,下一站【上海国际】

2021-08-30 14:54
上海市, 【松江区大宗处理点】已收寄,揽投员:张宗文 2,电话:15618756595

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