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Parcel delivery which I did not order


I have received a small parcel to the UK from the following address:

Zhangcha light industry road
Fire Building
Chancheng District
Foshan City
Guangdong Province

I have not ordered this item. I would like to email the company which sent it. Would you have any advice how I could do this please?

74 Answer(s)

Sorry, the email of the company couldn't be known. Someone may bought it for you or it was sent to the wrong address. Better keep it as it is and waiting someone to contact you to deal with it.
I have received a package today that I paid £11.17 for as I thought it was another package but upon opening it as it was in my name I was surprised to see a gucci silk scarf! I must of had someones else's order - the number for the parcel is - LL512589945CN
Hi Cooper59,

The seller may sent it wrongly to you. Or, it's a scam. Better contact the seller as soon as possible to confirm.
I have received a small gift (wedding accessories ) from CenJiaYu
Zhangcha light industry road
Fire Building Chancheng District
Foshan City Guangdong Province

I have not ordered this item. I would like to email the company which sent it.

Sorry, the email couldn't be known. Someone may ordered it for you as a present.
I got a parcel as well.
I got a not ordered parcel with ring from this company
Same thing orderd a kids bike £40 including delivery & instead received fake ray ban glasses worth £12. Not happy.
I have received a small parcel to the UK from the following address:

Zhangcha light industry road
Fire Building
Chancheng District
Foshan City
Guangdong Province

I have not ordered this item. I would like to email the company which sent it. Would you have any advice how I could do this please?
I have received a small parcel to Germany from the following address:

Zhangcha light industry road
Fire Building
Chancheng District
Foshan City
Guangdong Province

Package number LL812023972CN
I have not ordered this item. I would like to email the company which sent it. Would you have any advice how I could do this please?
Hi C Arnold,

Someone may bought it for you from this company. They couldn't be connected through phone or mail.
Encomendei no dia 2-11-2019
Produto lego city fire station 60110,
Traching LL819991848CN,
Orde no: 62.
E recebi lenço Gucci.
Empresa Zhangcha light industry road fire building chancheng district foshan city Guangdong province.
Foshanshi Guangdong 528000.
Agira nem consigo entrar site e mando email tem net não recebo resposta menhuma como posso entrar contacto com empresa?
Fui enganado também com lenço aguardo resposta da empresa..
I received sunglasses but ordered expensive boots ! Every email address you contact or phone number is not known ! Fuming I want my parcel or refund or else !
I have received a small parcel to Italy from the following address:

Zhangcha light industry road
Fire Building
Chancheng District
Foshan City
Guangdong Province

Package number LL819990635CN
I have NOT ordered this item.
there is nothing about the seller (no email no address). They are asking for money. Anybody resolve this problem? Would you have any advice how I could do this please?

Yup, Today 11-19-2019I
I got a tube of dark red lip stick or Rough, not really sure if it's for the lips or cheeks. I'm a 58 y.o. man so cosmetics aren't my interest. I'm in Miami , Florida, USA
From: CenJiaYu
26 guilan road guicheng, nanhai
FoShanShi GUANGDONG 528005
I've been buying some tobacco pipes on Ebay lately , but the ph# on the label is my old number form over 10 years ago.
Hi sibilla,

You can send it back to them and let them pay for the shipping fee.
i have same situation, got scarf from :) Gucci .
How to send it back and got money back?
ps inside my order LL823480749CN was card with "the issuer of the card identified on this item is autorized to pay the amount shown as total upon proper presentation "
Why i have to pay for something that i hvnt ordered ?
What this price means 3, 8500, 00? how many dollars that is?
I was also deceived. I ordered shoes, I got shit glasses worth nothing. Watch out for him is a thief. Chinese ...
It's called Brushing and it's illegal in China and you might fell victim to it.
I have received a small gift (wedding accessories ) from CenJiaYu
Zhangcha light industry road
Fire Building Chancheng District
Foshan City Guangdong Province

I have not ordered this item. I would like to email the company which sent it. Would you have any advice how I could do this please?
Is this a scam site? A fraudulent site?

I also received a parcel from here I ordered an instax mini camera an got a Gucci scarf wtf! How do I get my money back
He comprado un teléfono en CENJIAYU ( Foshan. Guangdong) y he recibido unas gafas de sol. Soluciono algo denunciando a esta empresa?
I have received a package today that I didn't order from CenJiaYu Zhangcha light industry road fire building changed district fosca city Guangdong province
phone 1501165858. tracking LL823515916CN
Can you help me?
It's a Gucci scarf but I didn't order anything. I don't want to pay nothing! Please contact me!
I ordered a pair of boots and got lipstick. Looks like I got scammed.
Bonjour j ai également reçus 2 colis qui ne correspond aucunement aux chaussures que j ai commandé. Une paire de lunettes rayban et un collier Tiffany et Co.
I have also received a fake scarf instead of sunglasses, what a bunch of bastards.

Has anyone changed their bank account after this occurring?
good evening I received my package but the item I ordered is not the one received. I ordered a lyu jo bag and received a Gucci brand scarf. I look forward to receiving my package. The shipping number is : LL823516046CN IF the PRODUCT is NOT AVAILABLE IN THE PAY SUM AND RETURN THAT I HAVE RECEIVED.

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