Status of order LY313264698CN
Asked by Brittney |
Hello. This order has been at customs in China or the last 2 weeks and there has been no further update. Is there a way to get a more firm update? Tracking # LY313264698CN
Thank you.
Thank you.
According to the latest tracking information, it will be returned back. You need to track it in the following days to see if it will be returned to the seller or sent again. If it's back to the seller, contact the seller to give you a solution as soon as possible.
Number: LY313264698CN
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> United States
2020-06-23 15:11, Chengdu, leaving the Chengdu International Processing Center, the next stop ,Chengdu International Investment Department
2020-06-23 02:06, Chengdu, Import Customs Release
2020-06-23 01:45, Chengdu, Export Customs/Security Remainpending
2020-06-19 22:30, Chengdu, Chengdu International Processing Center
2020-06-19 22:01, Chengdu, leaving the Chengdu International Investment Department, the next stop ,Chengdu International Processing Center
2020-06-19 16:17, Chengdu, Chengdu International Investment Department has received