China Post: 86 10 11185 EMS: 86 10 11183

Volume or actual weight


For the shipping costs of large parcels are you asking for actual weight or volume weight? If it's volume weight, what is the divider ( /5000, /6000...)?
Thank you

4 Answer(s)

Hi Matthew,

There is size limit. It's charged for every 1kg.
Ok, but how do you measure that kg? Is it by ACTUAL weight or by VOLUMETRIC weight? Or is it the higher of the two?
Hi Matthew,

It's the ACTUAL weight.
Ok, but my supplier just told me that Chinapost, like most shippers worldwide, use the highest of both weights.... can you please direct me to where it's written that it's ONLY the ACTUAL weight being used. Thank you.

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Volume or actual weight (4 replies)

For the shipping costs of large parcels are you asking for actual weight or volume weight? If it's volume weight, what is the divider ( /5000, /6000...)?
Thank you

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Does China post use actual weight or the greater of volumetric or actual weight for the slower Large package International service (not EMS)?

Thanks Marcus


Dear Sirs,
We are in the process of sending 6 boxes measuring 550mmx350mmx400m from Beijing to Qingdao. Could you please let me know what are your prices? Do you charge by volume or weight? If by weight, how much is it per kilo, and by volume what are the measures? Also, will you be able to come and collect the boxes? If so, do we have to go to the office afterwards to weight the boxes, fill in the paperwork and pay for the service? I would appreciate it if you can let us know as soon as possible as we would like to do this next week.

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