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Parcel stuck in Guangzhou Customs?


I ordered some clothing from SheIn and according to their tracking, my package has been stuck in the Guangzhou export customs since 04-04-2020 now. Whats the issue with my package? Has it left China yet?
The tracking number is EA529129740CN
Kind regards

3 Answer(s)

Hi Kerry,

It's still stuck at Guangzhou customs now. You'd better contact the seller to give you a solution if it's stuck there for a long time.

Number: EA529129740CN
Package status: In transit
Country: China -> Austria
2020-04-04 03:07, Guangzhou, Export Customs/Security Retention Pending Inspection
2020-04-04 01:13, Guangzhou, arriving at Guangzhou International Center (via transfer)
2020-04-03 21:43, Foshan City, leaving the Foshan Delivery Processing Center, the next stop , Guangzhou International Center
2020-04-03 20:22, Foshan City, arriving at Foshan Delivery Processing Center
2020-04-03 20:18, Foshan City, leaving the "Foshan City, South China Sea Dale International Business Department", the next stop " Foshan Delivery Processing Center"
2020-04-03 18:00, Foshan City, Foshan City, South China Sea Dale International Business Department has received
Hi,I have one parcel stuck at Guangzhou custom, any solution?
Hi carey,

You need to let the receive in China cotact Guangzhou custom to ask how to get it.

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