It has been stuck there for a long time. To my experience, it should be waiting for the receiver in China to declare to the customs now. You'd better contact the receiver in China to ask if he has received the notice from the customs. If no, let him call China customs service number 12360 to check.
Supplier shipped an item from Philippines to Chinese warehouse through post office, EE192621553PH is the tracking number, it says items has been held by Chinese customs, how do I retrieve my items, kindly help, it’s been held for over a week, it contains skin supplements I forms of pills and also glutathione supplements
Dear all, I sent item from Indonesia to China about a month ago but the tracking system stated that it was held by Customs. What to do to make it delivered to receiver? Thanks a lot
It has been stuck there for a long time. To my experience, it should be waiting for the receiver in China to declare to the customs now. You'd better contact the receiver in China to ask if he has received the notice from the customs. If no, let him call China customs service number 12360 to check.